The weeping rash!

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It’s that time of year! yard work, spring clean-up, children playing in the grass and woods! It’s a great way to get outside, exercise, integrate with nature… and get some natural Vitamin D. Unfortunately it is also that time of year where plant induced dermatitis (red, swollen, itchy skin) manifests. Poison ivy, sumac, and other pant dermatitis initially present as a red, perhaps swollen rash and many time has a straight line appearance as the plant brushes up against this skin (although contact with pets, clothing etc., may lack the straight line). The dermatitis is an allergic reaction to the oil of the plant (urushiol (u-ROO-she-ol). Poison ivy, and other plant reactions can be very itchy however, usually resolve in about 1-2 weeks. It is important to note, that the rash is likely to get worse before getting better, and may start weeping (leaking fluid… yuk). The rash and fluid itself is not contagious! In most cases, plant dermatitis can be treated at home with cool water and cooling lotions (such as Calamine) however, in more severe cases such as widespread rash, rash to the face, or rash to the genitals, prescription medicine may slow the spread and expedite the healing. Any inhalation, such as from a fire that causes shortness of breath, needs immediate attention.

Preventative tips:

-avoid areas of known or suspected poison ivy

-wear long sleeves/long pants when hiking, doing work in the woods

-if you think you may have been on contact with any of these plants; wash your skin and clothes as soon as possible

-you can also try over the counter preventative lotions prior to engaging in outdoor activities

-for a rapidly evolving, rash, shortness of breath, facial or genital rash; seek medical attention.

Stay safe, be informed, have fun!
